Book Review: Belong by Ananya Singh

Young adult fiction is a very important genre. It marks, for the reader, the first major change in their life. As a reader also, we move from children’s stories – full of potential and possibility, to young adult fiction – which introduces the reader to some real world conflicts of self.

But this genre desperately needs more stories. It needs real stories. Based on real conflicts faced by young people as they take their first tentative steps towards responsibility, work projects, or dealing with peer pressure.

What about people who seem to have it all? What does the brain of a super achiever look like? What do they think of? How do they get those incredible grades AND do well at extracurricular activities?

We liked this book for the following reasons:

A. First and foremost, because it’s a true story. It is told with empathy and the author shares her vulnerability with all. I can only imagine how the author must have felt about sharing the thoughts they had at the point where this story began. That a young person can share this level of vulnerability and themselves is truly admirable and heart-warming.

B. The story takes us inside the mind of the young teenager who apparently has it all. I am sure that a lot of young and not so young people would love to get that sneak peek.

C. The theme of the story is so different! A young girl person gets challenged by her mother to do something at an NGO – a scenario that many young people will immediately identify with. But then, the path she chooses, and the execution that follows this choice, is what makes the book truly stand out. No spoilers, but all teenagers will totally understand.

The book is ideal for all young people.

The book can be bought online here:

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