The Dinner Table Puzzle

At a dinner party, a circular table is laid out with 8 places. The 8 places are numbered 1 -8, as indicated in the image below.

For the purpose of this puzzle, 5 sits opposite 1, 2 opposite 6, and so on.  

All 8 dinner guests have a different profession. Based on the 8 clues below, can you figure out who sits where and what each one does?

1. Abha, the teacher, won’t sit next to the banker or the vet.

2. Freddy, who is a gardener, is seated opposite the doctor.

3. The singer is seated between the vet and the teacher, and is not called Chandra.

4. Chandra, on the other hand, is between the doctor and the artist, and she is not a coder.

5. Ekta is seated at #5 – directly opposite Abha, and next to the artist.

6. Chandra is directly opposite the vet. Both the vet and Chandra are one space away from the teacher.

7. Bela, the doctor, is at #2 and she is not next to the coder. She is, however, next to  the banker.

8. Hema is friends with both Guneet and Abha is therefore sitting between them, and opposite Dinaz.

Difficulty level: High