Junior Maths puzzle header

Mischievous Maths

Poem by Navya Agarwal

A plus B equals to Z,
These were the things I was told were easy.
But now I found out,
That these leave me with a pout.

Algebra and geometry,
Make me wish that I was in a cemetery.
Trigonometry and calculus,
Are anything but fabulous.

They say it’s simple,
But studying maths gives me pimples.
The questions are quite impossible,
And the answers aren’t there in the Bible.

Would someone ask me to find the area of a square,
When I would be flying planes in the air.
Or what x plus y equals to,
When I would be designing shoes.

Whenever I think I am getting a sum right,
Mathematics with me, starts to fight.
Though this is important in many paths,
I will always call it the mischievous maths.