In the Library

By Karthika Vinod

Down in the library

Far, deep, not heard

There lied a book called ‘The Devil’

Unopened,left,as it was

As the name tells (or told)

Lies the dark spirit

Of untold grief, misery, pain, lies

Building up in it

I, thou once saw it

Rattling like bird’s mince pie

(I just told that,cause I hate it)

On the cover, it said

“Oi there, heed to this warning

Once you open,you can no way close it,

We told you,now fate is with you”

As I stared at it

A pang of curiosity and evil

Spread through me

And decided to open it

But, just like fate said

Mr. Naadan, the librarian

Rudely walked into

And spanked me for touching it

(Yeah,he is kind of merciless

If you ask me)

And as I put that book back

Did I realize,that ‘The Devil’ stay lonely on that shelf

With book neighbours and friends none,

And now still,

Lies that mysterious book

In the same place,

Far, deep, not heard in the library

Unopened and left as it was…