What if we told you that it only takes 5 minutes and 2 ingredients to make your Holi colours at home?
The two ingredients are:
A. Arrowroot Powder – about 250 grams
B. Food Colouring of your choice
Mix the food colouring into the arrowroot powder and keep mixing till the arrowroot powder gets a lovely uniform shade. It usually takes about 3-5 minutes, depending on the quantity. Don’t add too much colour. 2-3 drops for 100 grams arrowroot powder is quite enough.
If you find it tough to mix 2-3 drops into 100 grams of powder, then you can add about 5 drops of colour to about 3 tablespoons of water and make a water mixture. This will be easier to mix, but the colour will be a little coarse, so you might need to powder it again.
Both methods work and both methods take the same time – about 3-5 minutes per colour.
If you have dried flower petals, you can add those to your powder colours for a lovely, textured colour. You won’t find this in the market.
These colours are 100% edible. So, don’t worry if the powder enters your mouth.
They are also perfectly safe for babies and their delicate skin.