Left: Mr. Movember made by Anthony Hoyte, Right: Anthony Hoyte in front of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Image Credit: Guiness World Records

Anthony Hoyte creates a new Guinness World Record by creating GPS art

Draws “Mr Movember” on GPS

Anthony Hoyte of the United Kingdom, dubbed “Pedalling Picasso” by Bicycle magazine, used GPS to construct ‘Mr Movember’ (a moustached man) by pedalling around the streets of London for 12 hours. He broke the Guinness World Record for the greatest continuous GPS drawing by bicycle in 12 hours (individual) spanning a distance of 107 kilometres producing the hairy man’s figure.

He began cycling on November 13 and persevered in the face of adversity such as road closures.

Before embarking on a new journey, Hoyte does a study on web maps and figures out the forms to locate complicated imagery in street patterns. Since 2016, Hoyte has been sketching GPS images, and ‘Mr Movember’ is his nineteenth. He has previously drawn a snowman, a cat, reindeer, and other images.

While planning this one, as he was planning, he said, “I knew I was trying to find a face, and two things jumped out at me: Park Lane for the nose, and the curve of the Thames for the neckline.”

Through this effort, Anthony was trying to raise awareness and funds for the Movember movement.

‘Movember’ or ‘No-Shave November’ refers to the practice of growing out one’s facial hair for 30 days. Movember is a portmanteau (a term made up from the combining of two words) of the short form for moustache, “mo,” (in Australian-English) and “November.” Movember is an annual event in which moustaches are grown during November to raise awareness about men’s health concerns.

Challenge for you: Take a real map of your city and see if you can find a pattern on its roads. You don’t have to cycle it, but do try to create a pattern!