Ancient Figurines Found at Pompei

Report by Alekhya Chavan

Ever wondered what happened to an ancient city near Naples, Italy, that got buried by a huge volcano called Mount Vesuvius – ages ago? Well, that city was Pompeii, and it got covered in hot ash, rocks, and gas when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.

Specialty of the Figurines and Pompeii’s 

Archaeologists found 13 special clay figurines during their digs at a place called a ‘domus,’ which is like a big house. These figurines are special because they tell a story about a goddess named Cybele and a young man named Attis. They are about 15 centimeters tall and seem to show a story that happened a very long time ago. The story is full of love, jealousy, and sadness.

The Story of Cybele and Attis

Cybele, a powerful mother goddess, loved Attis, but sadly, Attis didn’t know about her feelings. Instead, he fell in love with a princess. This made Cybele very jealous, and sadly, it led to a sad ending for Attis.

Other Discoveries

Archaeologists found more than just the figurines! They discovered the head of a clay rooster and a glass pine cone in the same area. Nearby, in a different part of Pompeii called the House of Leda, they found a room with pictures of women’s faces on the walls, and they’re very old paintings!

Each discovery helps us understand what life was like a long, long time ago in this city!