An old Xmas greeting card

A poem on Christmas

By Ayush Moitra

It’s Christmas, everybody’s here
The air is full of happiness and cheer
In some places it may snow
In others only a chill will blow
The air is cold, but our hearts are warm
We will stand together against wind and storm
Boys will get gifts from jolly old Saint Nick
(At the supermarket, actually, what will their parents
Also girls, what will they choose?
Pink Coat, Ear muffs or Skating shoes?
The people eat pudding divine
Some kids jostle, “No, that gift is mine!”
By the kids, stockings are hung
By the choir, carols are sung
In the market, turkey is bought
Roasted, tasty, eaten fresh and hot
Children build snowmen and have a snowball fight
They make snow fortresses and throw with all their
Ice skating, Tobogganing and bobsledding too
During winter, there’s a lot we all can do
Snug in a blanket, books are read
A steaming mug of hot chocolate,
kept beside the bed
With all many thoughts, the children go to sleep.
With snowflakes pouring on the ice, thick and deep.