Word of the year 2020 image

And the Word(s) of the year are…

What 2020 means to the editors, parents, and children of TCP   

You remember our lead news last fortnight, asking you what our word of the year should be. Thank you for an overwhelming response.

We are very happy to share our Word of the Year 2020.

The Word of the Year 2020 was suggested by the children of Tcponline.in. On a discussion forum, they casually discussed the various options – Quarantine, vaccination, zoom, rejuvenation (Saiansh), talent (Gurpreet), isolation (because we ran Isolation with TCP series), were all discussed. Until Shivani came up with hope.

All the children, and all the editors after that, voted unanimously for this word. So, dear readers, our Word of the Year 2020 is – Hope.

As you might remember, last week, we also asked you to vote. These are the words that were selected by many of you as the Word of the Year 2020:

  • Online
  • Zoom
  • Family
  • Quarantine
  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Dalgona
  • Positive
  • Vaccine

And of course:

  • Corona(virus)

Here are some of the other Words of the Year 2020 declared so far by other dictionaries/publications:

  • Merriam Webster Dictionary – Pandemic
  • Oxford Dictionary – decided to not have a word of the year.
  • Dictionary.com – Pandemic; People’s Choice – Unprecedented.
  • The Boston Globe – Anti-masker, asymptomatic, doomscrolling, social distancing, and others.
  • Reader’s Digest – Pandemic, public health, contactless, karen, schadenfreude, etc.