Inputs by Amey Haldankar
Delhi, Sep 8: Microsoft has confirmed the launch of a new version of Windows, its popular OS (Operating System). This version is called Windows 11.
It is expected to release for all customers on 5th October, 2021. Windows 11 will be free for Windows 10 users.
System Requirements
Every software cannot run on every computer. Each software has some minimum requirement that the computer must have. These are called the System Requirements of the software.
For Windows 11, the most important System Requirements are:
1) Processor: 1 GHz (Gigahertz) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or SoC (System-on-a-Chip).
2) Memory: 4GB RAM (Random Access Memory).
3) Storage: 64GB.
4) Graphic platform: DirectX 12 compatible graphics / WDDM 2.x.
5) Display : More than 9 inches with HD Resolution (720p).
In addition, some features will work only if there is hardware to support them. For instance, High Definition video requires High Definition Screen.
How does one get Windows 11
Windows 10 customers will be able to download and install Windows 11 at no charge. But it will not be available at once to all customers. Users must wait to get a notification like, ‘Your system needs to be updated”. They can then click on it and install Windows 11.
On the next two pages, we have a detailed list of changes that users can expect with Windows 11.

What changes?