Wild Cockatoos Make Their Own Cutlery

Cockatoos are intelligent birds; Study conducted in Indonesia

Indonesia, Sep 2: Only a few animals, including some primates (group of mammals including
humans, monkeys, and apes) and birds are able to use tools. Recently, researchers found that wild
cockatoos, Goffin’s cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana) were able to make their own tools to open fruits.
To their astonishment, the tools were being used in a particular order. To study this unique
behaviour, scientists went to the tropical forest of Tanimbar Islands in Indonesia. They observed the
cockatoos in the wild and found some fruits with sticks sticking to them.
To learn more, they took 15 wild birds into an aviary (a place for keeping birds) for a short period.
The birds were served their favourite fruit. Two of the male birds made tools out of the branches – a
wedge, knife, and a spoon- like tool. They used the tools in order, first to split open, then to pierce
the protective covering, and then to scoop the seeds out. Only these two out of the group of 15 did
this. So, researchers concluded that it is not an innate(something that comes naturally) behaviour
but an innovative behaviour seen in some birds.