The National Statistical Office (NSO) is a unit under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Basically, they collect information about people. This information helps us get the big picture of how things are in the entire country.
The National Sample Survey is conducted on various activities. In 2019, NSO conducted a Use of Time Survey. This study tried to find out how people in India spend their time. What do they do? Interesting questions, right? So, sit back and enjoy the infographic that we have put together for you.
The questions were asked to everyone older than 6 years. Compare this to how you spend your day later, if you’d like.
The first such survey was conducted in 1999 in 6 states.

The 2019 survey was conducted across all the states and union territories of India. It had 174055 respondents from urban areas and 273195 from rural areas.
How was use of time defined?
Imagine everything you can do. How would you like to classify it? Here is how the government classified everything that we do during the day:

Use of Time Survey 2019: The Results
Now, on to the results:

As you can see, more men are spending time in employment activities in urban areas, while more women are doing that in rural areas. But, an urban male spends 8.5 hours on average in work related activities, while an urban woman is not far behind, at 6.25 hours. In rural areas, the time spent on employment activities is lower for both. Question for you: As an analyst, what does this data tell you?

So, what does the big picture look like?

Now, would you like to make a pie chart of how you spend your time?