Joe Biden Credits: Wikipedia

US Election 2020 Results: Joe Biden to become the 46th President

46th US President – Joe Biden, wins the US Election 2020 crossing the figure of 270 votes

United States, Nov 7: The result of the US presidential elections is finally out with the Democrat, Joe Biden crossing the figure of 270 electoral votes required to win. He received 290 votes while the current President, Donald Trump, received 214 votes. It took four days for the election officials to finally sort through the vast number of mail-in votes and declare the results. This election had all the countries across the world on a wait and watch.

Joe Biden would enter the White House as President on Jan 20 2021. He would be 78 years then and would make history by being the oldest person ever to assume this office. After the results, Joe Biden pledged to be a “President for all Americans”. With this, Ms Kamala Harris, his running mate, also becomes the Vice President of USA. She takes over from Mike Pence.

Current US President Joe Biden, was the Vice President during the tenure of President Barack Obama. He became a senator at the age of 29, one of the youngest to reach that distinction. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, became a senator for the first time in 2016. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are both lawyers by training. Joe Biden first tried to get a presidential nomination (selection by the party for the role of President) in 1988! His dream realised in 2020 – 32 years later. Congratulations, Joe Biden!!! (To know more about the running mate and the process of US elections, refer the newspaper of Nov 7, written by Poornima aunty).

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