Uranus Like Planet Discovered

Uranus like Planet: Scorching Hot Exoplanet Discovered

New Uranus Like Planet discovered. This Exoplanet Rains Rocks and Oceans are made of Lava

Boston, Nov 6: This may sound like a snippet from a sci-fi movie, but scientists have found a strange planet which is hundreds of light-years away, where oceans -made of lava, rain- made of rocks, and winds reach supersonic speeds. This discovery about K2-141b, made by scientists from McGill University, York University, and the Indian Institute of Science Education. This Uranus like planet, stationed near its host star (star like our sun) so closely that its oceans’ composition is like molten lava.

This exoplanet is the size of our Earth and appears to have oceans, surface, and atmosphere made of only one thing, rocks. Unlike Earth, this planet does not revolve around its star. Instead, fixed in place gravitationally so the same two-thirds part of the Earth is in the daylight. While, the other part has the night all the time. The temperature in the scorching part of the planet reaches 5400 degrees Fahrenheit. And, the other side can reach -328 degrees Fahrenheit.

In the water cycle of Earth water evaporates, rises, condenses and comes down as rain again. The same happens on K2-141b, but it has rocks instead of water, so imagine this cycle with stones!

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