Michael Regan being sworn in as the new head of the EPA. Image from Twitter handle @VP Kamala Harris.

Updates from the West

Immigration, Vaccines and more

Boston, Mar 19: When Joe Biden became the president of the United States in January, he announced that his administration would make sure that 100 million people would be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine before his 100th day as president. Today he announced his goal has been met within just 58 days.

Michael Regan was appointed as the 16th administrator of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and is the first Black person to serve in this role. As the head of the EPA, he will address climate change crisis as well as work towards providing all the Americans clean air and clean water.

America’s illegal immigration issues have increased a lot in the past twenty years. Illegal immigration refers to the migration of people into a country by violating the immigration laws of that country. They do not have legal rights to live in the country they moved to. The American Dream and Promise Act, a bill that has been passed in the House of Representatives and is now headed to the Senate, if passed, would create a process for undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to earn permanent resident status and eventual citizenship. The House also approved the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, which would establish a system for agricultural workers to earn eventual permanent resident status.

Michael Regan being sworn in as the new head of the EPA Image from Twitter handle @VP Kamala Harris.
Michael Regan being sworn in as the new head of the EPA.
Image from Twitter handle @VP Kamala Harris.