Updates from the Armed forces

IAF(The Indian Air Force) has short-listed one of its 10 women fighter pilots to fly the newly acquired Rafale fighter jets. The name of the pilot has not been disclosed yet.

Five French-made multirole Rafale fighter jets were recently inducted into the ‘Golden Arrows Squadron’ at the Ambala Air Force Base.

The Rafale jets, known for air-superiority and precision strikes, are India’s first major acquisition of fighter planes in 23 years, after the Sukhoi jets were imported from Russia.

Indian Navy Update

Also, it is the first time in the history of the country, that women would also be on board an Indian warship. The Indian Navy is all set to deploy two women officers, Sub Lieutenants Kumudini Tyagi and Riti Singh, as part of its crew for multirole helicopters that operate from frontline warships.