Malaysia and Philippines

Update on Philippines and Malaysia

Here is a quick update on news from Philippines and Malaysia, based on climate and weather phenomena.

Typhoon in Philippines and rains in Malaysia

On Thursday, December 16th, 2021, Typhoon Rai hit Philippines with wind speeds of about 195 kilometers per hour. The typhoon made landfall at 9 places in the country, and according to the UN, the top wind speed was 235 kmph (kilometers per hour).

Rai was the 15th typhoon that Philippines faced this year, and the strongest yet.

In nearby Malaysia (see map above), above average rainfall made rescue and relief necessary.

Being in the tropical region, both Malaysia and Philippines expect typhoons and rainfall from October to March. However, in this case, the Western part of Malaysia received heavy rainfall, as opposed to Eastern Malaysia. The capital, Kuala Lumpur, was also affected.

In both countries, the United Nations (UN), the International Red Cross, and local relief organisations are trying to help people.