Union Minister Virendra Kumar flags off expedition to Siachen Glacier by people with disabilities

With news inputs by Aarya Sinha

New Delhi, Aug 17: The Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Dr. Virender Kumar flagged off an expedition named ‘Operation Blue Freedom’ from Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi, on the 75th Independence Day of the country. Under this initiative, selected specially abled people from across India will trek to Kumar Post (located in the Siachen glacier at an altitude of 15,632 feet) to create a world record for the largest team of
differently abled people to scale the highest battlefield in the world. This team has been trained by Team CLAW (Conquer Land, Air and Water). CLAW is a team of Indian armed forces veterans. It was set up in 2019 by Major Vivek Jacob. “Dr. Ambedkar International station has supported the expedition as a part of its commitment towards the cause of betterment of Divyangjans (specially abled persons) and will bring India on the global stage to set a benchmark for other nations to follow”, said the ministry.