TOI-2109b Artist's Impression, Image Credit Twitter of @KyashKT

Ultrahot Jupiter Found in a Remote Solar System

About 855 light-years away, in a remote solar system, scientists have found a planet that orbits its star in only 16 hours. This is one of the smallest orbits ever measured. At that distance and speed, and with the planet’s extremely high surface temperatures, it’s one of the most exotic planets ever found.

The planet’s name is TOI-2109b, and it’s what astronomers call an “Ultrahot Jupiter.” Hot Jupiters are gas giants that orbit extraordinarily close to their stars and have extremely high surface temperatures.

Ultrahot Jupiters are even more extreme. Their surface temperatures are greater than 2200 Kelvin (1900 C, 3500 F). Astronomers estimate that TOI-2109 b’s dayside temperature is greater than 3500 K (3225 C, 5840 F), as hot as some small stars. This makes it the second hottest planet discovered so far.