Saaneq Credits: Victor Beccari

Two-Legged Dinosaurs lived on Greenland 214 million years ago

Germany, Nov 11: Researchers from Germany, Portugal, and Denmark recently discovered a medium size, long-necked, two- legged, plant-eating dinosaurs named Issi saaneq (meaning “cold bone” in Greenland’s Inuit language). It lived 214 million years ago in the Greenland. This dinosaur was unearthed in 1994 as two well- preserved skulls in East Greenland by palaeontologists of Harvard University. Initially they though this dinosaur was a Plateosaurus, a long-necked dinosaur that lived in Germany, France, and Switzerland during the Triassic period (201 million years ago). Recently researchers again analysed the skulls by latest techniques like micro CT scan and studied the structure of the bones. It was found that one skull belonged to a juvenile and the other was a slightly grown up adult. The researchers compared it with Plateosaurus bone structure and found that it was slightly different and belonged to a new species. So a new species of dinosaur has been found in Greenland.

Live reconstruction of Issi
Saaneq Credits: Victor Beccari