Two Important Archaeological Discoveries of This Week

Vietnam, June 4: A team from the Archaeological Survey of India has announced the discovery of a monolithic (single stone) sandstone Shiva Linga dating from around 9th century CE in the Quang Nam province in Vietnam. The discovery was made during a conservation project at an archaeological site consisting of Hindu temples.

Keeladi, Tamil Nadu June 4: A furnace like structure that may belong to the Sangam era (300 B.C to 200 A.D) was unearthed in Manalur (near Keeladi) in TamilNadu during the sixth phase of the excavation taken up by the state archaeological department. While the workers were digging they struck upon a C-shaped structure which is like a furnace (an enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperature) made of burnt clay at a depth of 60 cm. It is one metre in diameter.
They have also found an animal bone at the trench.