Tidal Power Turbine O2 Starts Supplying Power

News Inputs by Krisha Bansal

New Delhi, Jul 29: Tidal power is a source of renewable energy that uses the energy of the sea tides to generate electricity. A tidal power turbineis used to convert tidal energy into electricity.

A company called Orbital Marine Power started building a tidal power turbine in 2019. Today, that turbine (named O2) was successfully connected to the power distribution network (a power distribution network is called a grid) and electricity generated by the turbine was distributed. The distribution was done through the European Marine Energy Center in Orkney, Scotland.

Here are a few more facts about the turbine.

  • It is 74- meters long and weighs 680 metric tonnes
  • It generates 2MW of power
  • It has been anchored at a water body named ‘The Fall of Warness”
  • The connection to ground networks happens through a subsea (under the sea) cable. 
  • O2 includes two power trains joined to two wing-like legs.
  • This turbine is based on an earlier turbine SR2000.
  • For cheaper and better production, the turbine is made from steel.
  • It is expected to be productive for 15 years.