Parliament House India

The Monsoon Session 2020 of the Parliament comes to an end

The Parliament House is the building where the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha do their work.

As you probably know, the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha make laws for India. They are called the legislature.

To become a law, a proposed law (it’s called a Bill) must first be passed by the Lok Sabha, then the Rajya Sabha, and then be approved by the President of India.

Unlike other offices, the Parliament does not work all year round. The Parliament members meet for a few days at a time. This is called a Session of the Parliament.

For the current session, the two Houses of the Parliament started working on September 14th. Today, they were adjourned (stopped working) sine die (sine die in Latin means ‘without a day’. When something is adjourned sine die it means it is postponed for now, but we don’t know when it will start work again). On two days, the Lok Sabha worked well past midnight to complete the pending business. Both Houses completed today’s work before being adjourned.

Here is a quick summary of what happened in the Parliament in these 10 days of work:

  • 25 Bills were passed by both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.
  • Shri Harivansh Singh was appointed the Deputy Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha.
  • Each House of the Parliament worked for 4 hours every day, with no holiday on Saturday/Sunday.
  • 26 Bills were introduced and passed (1 only by the Lok Sabha). Some of these are:
    • 3 Bills related to agriculture
    • 1 Bill to reduce the salaries of parliamentarians during the time of Covid.
    • 3 Bills related to labour
    • 1 Bill related to management of ports
    • 3 Bills related to upgrading 7 institutions to ‘institutions of national importance’