V for victory Mr. Bow Mascot

The Children’s Post Young Journalist Program – First Batch Training Sessions

DateTopicDurationFacultyTime SlotWeekend
27th March 2020What is The Children’s Post YJP and what is The Children’s Post of India30 minutesNidhi1130-12001
27th March 2020A freewheeling conversation with a journalist we admire1 hourBhavneet Singh Aurora1200-13001
27th March 2020Understanding Bias – the anatomy of bias 30 minutesRoopa Pai1300-13301
28th March How to Review 1 hourAll the reviewers in a round table1130-12301
28th March How to select news for kids 1 hourDeepti and Vanitha 1230-13301
3rd April Research for writing: How to research and then simplify a topic2 hoursPriyanka Singh1130-13302
4th April Photo Journalism: Good Photography and how to tell a story through a picture2 hoursRishi Agarwal1130-13302
10th AprilTaking Interviews2 hoursBhavna Vij1130-13303
11th AprilTaking Video Interviews2 hoursKavita Neelakantan1100-13003
17th AprilNews Journalism – Writing news stories on contentious issues1 hourBhavneet Singh Aurora1130-13304
17th AprilFinding the right picture to go with the story – neutrality in images1 hourBhavneet Singh Aurora1130-13304
2nd May Research for news journalism: How we ensure that we find, and present ALL the pertinent perspectives to a story 2  HoursBhavneet Singh Aurora1130-13306
24th AprilSaying No: To friends, relatives, overenthusiastic children and parents, and yourself. This module is to ensure that we only  carry newsworthy content. 30 minutesRoopa Pai0930-1000 5
24th AprilRole play and self evaluation45 minutesRoopa Pai1000-10455
18th AprilThe power of voice: Voice Modulation and Expression (Date Modified from 24th April) 120 minutes Janaki Sabesh1500-17004
25th AprilNo Class   5
1st May Video Journalism – Using the moving picture to tell a neutral journalistic story2 hoursTisha Srivastav1200-1400 6
1st May Finding your niche -What do you want to do: This module will help each child choose the various things that they want to do when they become young journalists with TCP. Their assignment will be done on the basis of their own aptitude, interest, and their output in those sections 1 hourRoopa PaiCancelled6
 Assignment: For everything that you have selected, create an output   6
2nd May Closure party, freewheeling discussion on the things that you want to be involved in, and any doubts with any faculty2 hoursNo faculty1500-1700 6