TCP Academy Journalism Course

This is a 6-week certification course that will be run by The Children’s Post Academy.

As you do know, The Children’s Post of India has been churning out age-appropriate news and enrichment content for children and young adults since 2017.

We also run a special program in which selected students are trained and work as journalists with the program for 6 months.

For more than a year now, we have been receiving requests to allow students to take the training even if they are not a part of the EJ program.

We are now ready to offer the training to you, dear readers. 🙂

Who is the training for?

Anyone above the age of 10 can do the training. Ideal for high school and college students.

How will it help?

This power-packed 6-week journalism course provides a comprehensive understanding of journalism, including research, copyright identification, photography, and report writing.

The program will guide students through the process of creating compelling news/feature stories and articles that are both informative and engaging.

By the end of the program, students will have a solid foundation in research and formal writing. This is an incredibly important skill in college and after that, in life.

The ability to articulate one’s ideas clearly is a superpower.

What will the program cover?

The program has 11 modules.

  1. Understanding Journalism
  2. The Anatomy of Bias – Understanding our own biases and the biases around us
  3. How to Review – Grammar, Structure, Bias elimination. Rights to images – CC0 to CC4
  4. How to select news for kids
  5. Research and Writing – How to research and then simplify a topic
  6. Photo journalism – Good photography
  7. Taking interviews
  8. News Journalism – Writing news on contentious issues
  9. Research for news journalism – how we ensure that we find, and present all the pertinent perspectives
  10. Saying No to a story, Presenting oneself as an EJ, Doing Live Reporting from Your City.
  11. A guided session where we help you write a news story for real.

When and where will classes be held?

All sessions are held online on the Zoom platform.

They are held on the weekend – every Saturday and Sunday.

Each session is typically about two hours – 1230 to 1430 hours IST.

The dates of the sessions are:

November 18 (Saturday) – December 23 (Saturday).

Will we get a certificate?


All participants will get a participation certificate.

Students who clear the assignments will also get an achievement certificate.

Great! How do we join?

Register and Pay here:

Please ensure that you enter the right email id and phone numbers, to allows us to process the registration.

How is this program linked to the EJ program?

This is the training part of the EJ program.

The training, faculty, timings, and batch interaction is the same.

Group work, if any, will have members from EJ and Training program both.

The Signal group for communication and co-ordination will have both.

For the duration of the training, there will be no difference between the two groups. They will learn together and work together.

EJ ProgramTCP Journalism Training
Starts with a selection process. Not clearing the selection process means inability to participate in the program. There is no selection process. Enrolment is directly for the training.
Assignments are mandatory. Assignments are optional.
Certificate at the end of work experience of 6 months. Certificate at the end of the training. (6 weeks).
All EJs who clear the training write for the website once a week for 6 months. No writing for the website.
Concludes with Work Experience certificate. Concludes with Training Participation/ Achievement Certificate.

If you want to write for TCP, choose the EJ program.

If you want a power packed crash course in writing and journalism, choose the training.

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