Sports News: Table Tennis: Challenger Series Report by Ishaan Kaila and Vanitha Ananthan

Bieberach Riss (Germany), Jun 2: The results of the Finals of the first series of matches were: Josip Huzjak (Croatia) beat Ahmed Elmahdy (Egypt) 3 sets to 2.
Fedor Kuzmin (Russia) beat Daniel Rinderer (Germany) 3 sets to 0.
Harmeet Desai (India) beat Valerij Rakov (Ukraine) 3 sets to 0.

In the second tournament (June 2-4, 2021) held today, these were the results:

Samuel Amann (Germany) beat Christopher Ligocki (Germany) by 3 sets to 1.
Daniel Klein (Germany) won the match against Fedor Kuzmin (Russia) by 3 sets to 0.
In another game, Evgueni Chtchetinine (Belarus) beat Peter Hribar (Slovakia) by 3 sets to 2.

In table tennis, matches are won based on the number of sets or matches won. Much like regular tennis, you win a point when your opponent cannot return a ball. Each set is of 11 points.

Table Tennis is the national sport of China. It was banned by the Soviet Union in 1930!