Speed Limit for Vehicles Revised in Delhi

Report by Ananya Singh

New Delhi, June 14: The Delhi Police has revised the speed limits for vehicles in Delhi. Taxis and app-based cabs have been recategorized from the TSR and Grameen Sewa (community transport which serves people in Delhi’s poor public transport accessibility areas) category to M1. They cannow be driven up to a speed of 50km/h. Thespeed limit for TSR, Grameen Sewa, Phat-Phat Sewa (similar to Grameen Sewa) and Quadricycles (four- wheelers) will remain at 40km/h.
M1 vehicles need to follow the speed limit of 50km/h on artery roads , 50-70km/h on highways, and 30km/h for minor roads . The speed limit for two-wheelers on minor roads is 30km/h but has been increased to 50-60km/h on highways. Finally, M2 category vehicles (buses) and light motor vehicles (delivery vans) have been assigned a speed limit of 50km/h on artery roads and 60km/h on highways. Police hope that these measures will help reduce the number of road accidents.