SBI inaugrates floating ATM on Dal Lake

The lake already has a floating market and post office Inputs by Aarya Sinha

Srinagar, Aug 24: The State Bank of India (SBI) an Indian public sector bank (a public sector bank is a bank owned by the government), has opened an ATM on a houseboat in Dal Lake, Srinagar.

A houseboat is, as the name suggests, a boat that has a small house built on it. Houseboats are very popular with tourists in Kashmir.

The Dal Lake also has a floating vegetable market on shikaras
and a floating post office. Shikaras are wooden rowing boats which are used, usually, for boating in the Dal Lake. They can usually carry only a few passengers.

The ATM was inaugurated by SBI chairman Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khara on August 16,2021.

This is not the first floating ATM of India. The first floating ATM was launched in Kerala in 2004. It was installed on a Jhankar yacht owned by the Kerala Shipping and Inland Navigation Corporation (KSINC) and operated between Ernakulum and Vaypeyan.