Keeladi Excavations

Sangam Age Fish Symbol Found in Ring Wells excavated in Keeladi

The seventh phase of archaeological excavations in Keeladi, Tamil Nadu ended on September 30, 2021. More than 5,000 artefacts and ring wells were unearthed during this time.

Recently for the first time, fish symbol was found carved in one of the ring wells in Keeladi. It was found on the first coir band of the seven levels of the well which was broken on the top. The fish’s shape with fins, scales and tail was clear and the head part was not found since it was broken at that end. It looks like they have used a nail to draw the fish symbol. The fish symbol must have denoted the emblem of the Pandiyan Kingdom during the Sangam Age(it is age of about 400 BC to 200 AD in South India.

Seven ring wells have so far been found at the Keeladi excavation site. It demonstrates the water conservation technology used by the local people over 2,000 years ago. Carbon dating of the artefacts found in the fourth phase of excavations in Keeladi showed that they were more than 2,600 years old.