Brain Clip Art

Round Table Conference

8 people have to be seated at a round banquet table.
The seats are number 1-8. For this teaser, 5 is
opposite 1, 6 is opposite 2 and so on. Likewise, “next
to” means one of the neighboring seats only. i.e., 8 is
next to 1 and 7.

  1. A and H are the only French speaking people on the
    table. They need to be seated together.
  2. B and F should sit opposite each other.
  3. C, F, and G all know Russian, but don’t necessarily
    need to sit next to each other. In fact, G wants to sit
    next to someone who knows French.
  4. D is English and insists on sitting next to at least one
    other English speaking person, and pat opposite H.
  5. E is the only other English speaker in the group, but
    he wants to sit next to someone who knows Russian.
  6. G agrees to sit next to F only on condition that the
    other side must have a French speaker. C does not sit
    next to either of them.
  7. C however, agrees to sit next to B, who is the only
    Bavarian in the group.
  8. A will not sit next to a Russian or an English