Ramon Magsaysay Awardees 2021

Ramon Magsaysay Award 2021 Winners Announced

By Shuchi Giridhar

Manila, Sep 3: The Ramon Magsaysay Award winners for 2021 have been announced and will be formally felicitated on November 28, 2021. The award was established in 1957 to preserve the example of integrity in democratic governance set by former President of the Philippines, Mr. Ramon Magsaysay. It recognizes people who show greatness of spirit through selfless service to the people of Asia. Often touted as Asia’s Nobel Prize, the Award is the continent’s highest honor and has been bestowed on 340 recipients till date. Here is a list of awardees for this year –

1. Muhammad Amjad Saqib, from Pakistan, is a microfinance pioneer and has been awarded for his efforts to eradicate poverty and helping over 3 lac families to come out of poverty. An author, a former civil servant, and a consultant for international organizations such as the UNICEF and World Bank, Saqib has a career spanning over 4+ decades in social and philanthropic services.

2. Firdausi Quadri, from Bangladesh, has been awarded for being instrumental in discovering vaccines that have saved millions of lives. She completed her doctorate from Liverpool University, U.K. and joined the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, in Bangladesh, in the year 1988. She has been recognized for her passion and devotion to her profession as a scientist.

3. Steven Muncy, an American citizen from Southeast Asia, is 1.

a 64-year-old humanitarian and has been awarded for his dedication towards refugee assistance, peace building, and helping refugees caught up in extremely difficult situations. Has been living in Asia for almost four decades and has founded Community & Family Services International (CFSI).

4. Watchdoc, from Indonesia, is a production house that has been recognized for its crusade as an independent media organization and its consistent use of investigative journalism, documentary filmmaking and digital technology to highlight underreported issues in Indonesia.

5. Robert Ballon, from Philippines, is a fisherman and has been awarded for his efforts to conserve natural resources in Sibuguey Bay. He also has been recognized for helping communities get better income by organizing livelihood programs.