Sound of Sugar by Gauri Gharpure


For a languid afternoon, or a weekend evening read.

For poetry or for prose,

This is a book for keeps.

The price is 250 + 100 rs for shipping.




Sound of Sugar is a collection of prose poems, comprising haibun and haiku.

The poems are marked by profound mysticism and seek to explore the deepest recesses of the human experience – physical, emotional, and spiritual, thereby opening a path, which perhaps leads to a greater understanding of the human desire for beauty, love, pleasure, and freedom.

The poetry in Sound of Sugar makes us question set beliefs and opens a window to a world that we all crave in different ways.

The poems, which are profound meditations on life, illness, and death, compel you to pause and reflect on anger, shame, guilt, jealousy, justice, solitude, illness, and love.

Each observation is a story that will leave you hungry for more.



Sound of Sugar is the second book of poetry by Gauri Gharpure.

The book has 44 prose poems (haibun and haiku) spread across three sections.

The poetry is exquisite, and perhaps the best part of the book is the beauty of language that comes through.

The prose and the poetry complement each other perfectly. The expression is exquisite.

At 60 pages, it is an absorbing read. This is an example of that forgotten gem – picturesque writing.

Price: 250 + 100 rs shipping.

Orders fulfilled by author directly.