Portuguese Prime Minister wins the snap elections, re-elected

The Portuguese Prime Minister, Mr. Antonio Costa, has won a majority in the snap elections held this week in Portugal.

This gives them a clear 117 seat majority in the 230 seat parliament.

Mr. Costa belongs to the Portugal Socialist Party.

The Socialist party, led by Mr. Costa, first came to power in 2015. However, in that election and in the next, it was not able to form a clear majority. It had to depend on its allies – the Left Bloc and the Portuguese Communist Party.

But two months ago, the alliance could not continue because of difference of opinion on public spending and workers’ rights.

Portugal then had to hold snap elections to see if the Socialist Party could form a majority government.

Mr. Costa’s party 41% of all votes polled, while the main opposition party, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) won 28% of the votes polled. It won 71 seats.

In his victory speech, Mr. Costa said, “An absolute majority doesn’t mean absolute power. It doesn’t mean to govern alone. It’s increased responsibility and it means to govern with and for all Portuguese,”

Image Credit: Twitter of Mr. Antonio Costa