New Delhi, Sep 28: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 35 crop varieties with special traits over video conferencing. These have been developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), State and Central Agricultural Universities, and Krishi Vigyan Kendra, to address the challenges posed by climate change and malnutrition. Some of these varieties are for low water areas, some crops are protected from serious diseases, some are quick maturing, some can grow in brackish water.
These include a drought tolerant variety of chickpea, wilt and sterility mosaic resistant pigeon pea, early maturing variety of soybean, disease resistant varieties of rice, and biofortified varieties of wheat, pearl millet, maize and chickpea, quinoa, buckwheat, winged bean and faba bean.
He dedicated the newly constructed campus of the National Institute of Biotic Stress Management in Raipur to the nation, and distributed the Green Campus Award to agricultural universities. He also interacted with farmers who use innovative methods in farming.