Top: two turkey leg bones with pointed ends; Bottom: two turkey leg bones with broken tips Image credits: Aaron Deter-Wolf & Tanya Peres / Journal for archaeological science

One Of The World’s Oldest Tattooing Tools Studied

Two Turkey Leg Bones Found In Tennessee

Tennessee (USA), May 27: The tradition of tattooing has been practiced for centuries. The oldest known tattoo was found on Otzi the Iceman, who lived around 5,250 years ago in Europe. But researchers found it hard to find an ancient tattooing tool.

A recent research article in the Journal of Archaeological Science states that two sharp, pointed, ink stained turkey bones were one of the world’s oldest known tattooing tools. It was previously unearthed in Tennessee’s primeval Fernvale site in 1985. These bones were studied by archaeologist, Aaron Deter-Wolf of the Tennessee Division of Archaeology and the zoo archaeologist Tanya Peres. Microscopic study confirms that they were tattooing tools since they had some wear and pigment residues. Radiocarbon dating reveals that it may have been used by Native Americans around 5,520 to 3,630 years ago.

News story by Tanvi

 Top: two turkey leg bones with pointed ends;
Bottom: two turkey leg bones with broken tips
Image credits: Aaron Deter-Wolf & Tanya Peres / Journal for archaeological science
Top: two turkey leg bones with pointed ends;
Bottom: two turkey leg bones with broken tips
Image credits: Aaron Deter-Wolf & Tanya Peres / Journal for archaeological science