Novel flash flood warning system launched by IMD

IMD (India Meteorological Department) launched a first-of-itskind system for South Asian countries for providing flash flood alerts in the form of threats (6 hours in advance) and risks (24 hours in advance). The system has comprehensive science, dynamics and diagnostics to offer guidance for the future incidence of flash flood. Flash floods are extremely localized events with a very high peak and there is generally only around 6 hours between the onset of heavy rains and peak flood. World over, not many countries have the ability of flash flood warning system, which has disastrous impacts on the lives and properties of those affected.

Prior to the launch, IMD tested the efficacy of the system during recent monsoon season in the preoperational mode. The flash flood bulletins were issued to national hydrological and meteorological services in the region for validation.

South Asian countries (sharing flash flood warning system): India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan Flash floods: rapid flooding of low -lying areas