Novak Djkovic - Image from the official Twitter handle of Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic and the Australian Open 2022

Report by Aryaa Sinha

Australia cancelled Novak Djokovic’s visa and denied entry to the men’s No. 1 tennis player of the world in Australian Open Tennis Tournament when he arrived at the Melbourne airport on Wednesday, 5th January, 2022. The decision was overturned on January 10th, when a judge reinstated his visa.

This case has become a political sensation all over the world. 

When Djokovic landed at the airport, Australian Border Force cancelled his visa saying he failed to provide appropriate evidence to meet mandatory medical requirements.

Who is Novak Djokovic?

Novak is a Serbian professional tennis player who is currently ranked as World No.1 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP).

Novak landed in Australia on January 5th to participate in the Australian Open which is scheduled from 17th to 31st Jan

(The Australian open is a tennis tournament held annually over the last fort night of January at Melbourne Park, Australia). It is played on a hard court.

Novak has won the Australian open a record 9 times.

Reason for denial of visa

Djokovic sought a medical exemption to get a COVID 19 vaccine requirement, which was must for all players and their support team.

The Government has mandated full vaccination for all the players,staff and fans at the Australian Open, unless there is genuine medical reason (genuine medical reasons included acute major medical conditions, serious adverse reaction to a previous dose of COVID 19 vaccine, or evidence of COVID 19 infection within the last 6 months).         

When Djokovic announced  that he has received a medical exemption from mandatory vaccination to play Australian Open, it prompted an outcry in Australia which has endured the world’s longest cumulative lockdown to ward off the epidemic.

Djokovic shared that he has received this exemption because he had tested Covid positive in December 2021 – less than a month ago.

 Scenario for now

The tennis star was held up in a quarantine hotel in Melbourne after his lawyer secured an agreement for him to remain in the country till the hearing which was scheduled on  Monday 10th January. 

Here, the ruling overturned the cancellation of his visa and Djokovic has been released from detention.

However, a final decision on whether or not he will be allowed to play the Australian Open is pending.

Why is this news important? The Universal Vaccination Debate

Vaccination for Covid 19 is now available all over the world.

There is a set of people who believe that Covid is an international conspiracy to sell more vaccines to people, and that the illness does not warrant the use of mandatory (compulsary) vaccination.

People who oppose the use of vaccines are called anti-vaxxers.

This incident highlights the conflict between those who don’t believe in mandatory vaccination and those who do. Many public places are banning entry for those who have not taken the vaccine.

The anti-vaxxers think that making vaccine mandatory is a violation of their human rights. They have a right to go to public places even if they are not vaccinated.

The other view is that people who are not vaccinated endanger other people, therefore, they should not be allowed in public places.