(Picture Courtesy: https://museumsvictoria.com.au/)

New species of Peacock Spider discovered

South Australia, 25 Mar: A new type of peacock spider has been discovered on Mount McIntyre and Nangwarry, in South Australia by a citizen scientist Sheryl Holliday. Peacock spiders are tiny spiders with extremely colourful backs and belong to the genus Maratus.

It has been scientifically named as Maratus nemo, because of a bright orange face with white stripes that resemble the clownfish Nemo from the famous animated movie, Finding Nemo.

It is the size of a grain of rice, has a beautiful bright blue back with red and black stripes, and green eyes. Unlike other peacock spiders, which prefer a dry habitat, M.nemo inhabits marshy vegetation in wetlands.

A picture of the peacock (Picture Courtesy: https://museumsvictoria.com.au/)
(Picture Courtesy: https://museumsvictoria.com.au/)

Arachnologist (a person who studies spiders) Joseph Schubert of Museums Victoria, who had earlier identified seven new species of the peacock spider, has done a detailed description of M.nemo and his findings are published in the journal Evolutionary Systematic.