
New Species of Moth with Longest Tongue in Madagascar

By Krisha Bansal

London, Oct 14: Xanthopan morgani praedicta (Wallace’s sphinx moth) moth species, found in the Madagascan rainforest, has the longest tongue (known as proboscis or the feeding organ), amongst any known insect.

Earlier, the scientists believed that the Xanthopan praedicta was related to Morgan’s sphinx moth (a hawk moth found in Africa). But now, it has been found that both the species are different. Morgan’s sphinx moth has a tongue length of just 3 inches and Xanthopan praedita’s tongue length was nearly one foot (about 6.6 cm longer). Both the moths have a 7.6 percent genetic difference. Besides this, the two moths have different male and female reproductive organs, wing shape and colour patterns.
Thus, Xanthopan praedicta have evolved over a period of time to survive and thrive in the jungles of Madagascar.

Image credit- Wikipedia.