New Device Generate Electricity from Raindrops, Ocean Waves

New Device Generate Electricity from Raindrops, Ocean Waves

New Delhi, Sep 18: IIT Delhi researchers have designed a device that can generate electricity from water drops, raindrops, water streams, and even from ocean waves using “Triboelectric Effect” and “Electrostatic Induction”.
The device is called “Liquid-solid Interface Triboelectric Nanogenerator”. The generated electricity can be stored in batteries for further use. The device has a very simple structure consisting of specially designed nanocomposite polymer film and contact electrodes. Water drops rolling over the surface of the device can generate a few milliwatts (mW) of power, which is sufficient to power small electronic devices like watches, digital thermometers, and healthcare sensors. The surface of the film is artificially made rough which allows it to generate more charge and super hydrophobic (fail to mix with water) which helps the water drop to roll without getting stuck to the surface. In the case of ocean waves, where the water is saline, it generates more electricity.

(Triboelectric effect is a known phenomenon and in this effect, charges are generated when two surfaces
are in friction.)