Life reconstruction of Llukalkan Credits: Jorge Blanco

New Carnivorous Dinosaur Species Found In Argentina

Named Llukalkan, “One Who Causes Fear”

Fossil remains of a new carnivorous dinosaur species, named Llukalkan (meaning ‘one who causes fear’ in native Mapuche) was found in Bajo de la Carpa Formation, at La Invernada in Argentina. It was a “well preserved” fossil with an uncrushed skull. After examining the fossil, they found that it was about five meters long, had small stubby arms, and a deep skull with a crest and horn. The dinosaur also had powerful hind legs, huge claws, and sharp teeth. Another distinctive feature found was a small posterior air-filled sinus in the middle ear zone indicating that they had a keen sense of hearing. They lived during the Late Cretaceous period (66 -100.5 million years ago).

 Life reconstruction of Llukalkan Credits: Jorge Blanco
Life reconstruction of Llukalkan Credits: Jorge Blanco