By Yashasvi Anika Tandon
Curry leaves
Curry leaves also known as ‘Meethi Neem’ or ‘Kadi Patta’ in Hindi, is a variety of the neem, the only difference being that it is not as bitter. It belongs to the family Rutaceae and is native to Asia. Curry leaves are mostly added to dishes to enhance taste. The average height is about 4 to 6 metres. They possess some medicinal properties as well :
a. Antibacterial and antifungal
b. Helps in controlling blood sugar.
c. Helpful in diarrhoea
d. Helps in maintaining oral hygiene

This is a variety of the nine o’clock flower, the only difference being that they bloom at 10:00 a.m. There are nearly 40-100 varieties like Wax Pink, Sun Plant, etc. They are mostly found in warm, tropical areas and belong to the succulent family. They are drought resistant and do not thrive in wet conditions.

Nine o’clock
This is a very interesting flower which blooms at 9 o’clock in the morning as the name suggests. They are also known as Office Time, since they open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. They need well-drained, sandy soil, and mostly bloom from April to September. They have a lot of nectar and thus, honey bees are attracted towards them.

Hibiscus, called ‘Gudhal’ in Hindi, belongs to Malvaceae, the mallow family. They grow on shrubs which can reach a height of 4 to 5 feet. There are 200 different varieties of hibiscus, some of which are Tronium, Mutabilis, Hawaiian and Denutas. Their properties are:
a. Rich source of Vitamin C
b. Beneficial for skin and hair
c. Serve as antioxidants
d. Anti-inflammatory having cardiovascular benefits

Periwinkle, also known as ‘Sadabahar’ in Hindi, is a shrub that blooms all year round. The average height of the shrubs is 8 to 12 inches.
There are 12 varieties of periwinkle such as Allo, Flore, Pleno, Variegata, etc.
The periwinkle flower and leaves have medicinal properties and are beneficial for diabetics. Incidentally, periwinkle is also the name of a snail.

Tulsi or Holy Basil is a holy plant for Indians and is also recognised as a medicinal plant. In Sanskrit, it means “the matchless one”. It has flowers called manjari.
It belongs to the plant family Lamiaceae. The maximum height of Tulsi is 3 feet. It possesses many properties. Some of these are:
a. Helps in controlling high blood pressure
b. Makes the lungs stronger
c. It sustains weight
d. It keeps the body temperature consistent
e. It improves circulation of blood

Chandni is a small white coloured flower and is an evergreen shrub. One can find it only in India. It is also known as Pinwheel Crape Jasmine, Nero’s crown, or East India Rosebay. Its height is about 6 feet to 10 feet.