Nasa's mega rocket. Source:

NASA’s Megarocket Set for Critical Tests

Mississippi, Nov 13: Have you heard of NASA’s Megarocket. NASA has been working on developing a Space Launch System (SLS) which is a super- heavy-lift launch vehicle (SHLLV). An SHLLV is a launch vehicle capable of lifting more than 50 tons of weight into low Earth orbit (LEO). The Space Launch System (SLS) will be used to launch the Orion spacecraft, astronauts, and cargo to the moon – and Mars in the future. This will be the primary launch vehicle for NASA’s deep space exploration.

Many tests have been performed since January this year and now the last critical tests of the giant launcher’s core section are expected to take place within the next few weeks. During its first mission next year, known as Artemis 1, the SLS will launch an uncrewed Orion capsule on a loop around the moon. It will allow NASA to evaluate the capsule before astronauts are allowed on.

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