Mrs. Jain Plans Classes

Can you match the genius of Mrs. Jain?

She needs to plan enrichment classes for some students. Enrichment classes are held 1:1.

The rules for setting up enrichment classes are:

No subject has two classes on the same day.

No student takes more than one subject in one week.

There are two slots – 4-5 pm (Slot 1) and 5-6 pm (Slot 2). Except maths, no subject appears in the same slot twice. i.e., if one class of the subject is in slot 1, the other class will necessarily be in Slot 2, and vice versa. Maths, because it has three sessions this week, is the only exception.

Using the hints given below, can you guess the class schedule that Mrs. Jain has drawn up for the students? A table has been created to help you.

Slot 1     
Slot 2     

1. Olivia has classes on Monday and Friday, but in two different slots.

2. The only Biology class is on Saturday 5 pm.

3. Jane needs help in English – 2 classes this week.

4. Shashank studies Hindi on Tuesday at 5 pm and on one other day.

5. Dipti needs to take classes 3 times a week. She is the only one taking 3 classes.

6. English is held on Monday and Wednesday.

7. Tuesday has Maths and Hindi while Saturday has Biology and Hindi

8. Chemistry is on Monday and Friday.

9. Mridul does not take Maths. He only takes one session per week.

10. Friday 4 pm is Dipti’s maths.

Category: Logic Grid with pen and paper

Difficulty Level: High

Par solving time: 30-40 minutes