Mineral Production in India, November 2022

The index of mineral production of mining and quarrying sector for the month of November, 2022 (Base: 2011-12=100) at 105.8, is 9.7% higher as compared to the level in the month of November, 2021.

What this means is that India produced more minerals this month.

The mineral production in November 2022 was as under:

Coal: 761 lakh tonnes

Natural gas (utilized): 2779 million cubic meters.

Petroleum (crude) 24 lakh tonnes

Bauxite: Public Domain image from USGS

Bauxite: 2228 thousand tonnes

Bauxite is used to make aluminum. India is the world’s fifth largest producer of bauxite.

Copper: Public domain image from Pixabay

Copper: 9.5 thousand tonnes

India is not a major producer of copper ore.

Gold: 132 kg.

Gold is used to make jewellery and also has industrial uses. It is a precious metal. Silver is the other precious metal.

Silver: 51,746 kgs

Iron ore: 231 lakh tonnes

Lead: 30 thousand tonnes

India is the world’s fourth largest producer of lead.

Manganese ore: 274 thousand tonnes

In 2021, India was the seventh largest producer of manganese.

Zinc: 133 thousand tonnes

India is the world’s fourth largest producer of zinc.

Limestone: 330 lakh tonnes

In spite of being the third largest producer of limestone in the world, India was, in 2020, the world’s largest importer of limestone too. It was responsible for 43% of the world’s imports!

Phosphorite: 205 thousand tonnes

Diamond: 28 carats

The official figures are from Indian Bureau of Mines. More details and monthly production graph here.