Massive Dinosaur Species discovered in China

Report by Preetinkar Jain

New Delhi, Aug 16: Scientists in China discovered two massive dinosaur species in the northwest region of China. Few ears ago, a number of fossils were unearthed from the region. The fossils consisted of a number of pterosaurs (flying reptiles), preserved eggs and embryos in addition to the fossil fragments of spinal vertebrae and rib cages. These are claimed to be the only vertebrate species’ fossils ever found in this region. On further investigation it was found that two of these specimens belonged to a previously unknown species, named Silutitan sinensis (stands for Silk Road) and Hamititan xinjiangensis (named after the region where it was found). They are about 120 to 130 million years ago. Hamititan specimen is estimated to be over 17 meters (56 feet) long, while the Silutitan over 20 meters (70 feet) long. Silutitan is a new species of sauropods, the plant eating dinosaurs with long necks, small head, long tail, and a large body. The titan in their names stands for giants.