Logic Puzzle: Dinner Table

At a dinner party, six people are seated around a circular table. Each of them comes from a different profession. Can you figure out who is sitting where, and the profession of each?

Facing means opposite to. 1 faces 4, 2 faces 5, and 3 faces 6.

Between means – in consecutive order – A between B and C means that they are sitting BAC or CAB.

The clues are:

  1. The doctor and the writer are facing each other.
  2. Easwar is between Devi and Farid.
  3. The teacher is equidistant from Devi and the actor.
  4. The vet is sitting next to Farid.
  5. The writer is sitting next to the actor, who has Cathy on her other side.
  6. Abha is sitting between Farid and the actor.
  7. Someone in the group is a priest.

Can you figure this out?