ISRO launches GSLV-F12/NVS-01 navigation satellite into orbit

Report by Samyukta Mallick

Sriharikota (Andhra Pradesh), May 29: Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched the GSLV NVS-01 (next generation navigation satellite) into orbit. The satellite was launched after a 27.5-hour countdown which started at 7:12 am on 28th May. The launch took place at 10:42 am on 29th May.

The satellite, weighing 2,232 kilograms, was carried by the GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle), which was 51.7 meters tall. The satellite was taken into space at the second launch pad in the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, 130 km from Chennai.

What is GTO?

GTO (geosynchronous transfer orbit) is a special orbit above the earth, which matches the earth’s rotation (23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds). When observed from the earth the satellite appears to be in a fixed position in the sky. The NVS-01 was placed into GTO, about 19 minutes after liftoff. It was at an altitude of 251 km.

What services will the satellite provide?

The satellite was launched to ensure NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) services. That means that it will provide enhanced position accuracy (better than 20 meters) and timing accuracy (better than 50 nanoseconds). It forms a system similar to GPS (Global Positioning System). It offers navigation within India and regions extending 1,500 km around the mainland. This satellite would provide features like land, air and naval location services in precision agriculture and fisheries. 

What did the satellite carry?

The NVS-01 satellite carried a rubidium atomic clock. It is developed by the Space Applications Centre, based in Ahmedabad. This technology has only been used by 5 countries so far. India has joined that list by launching this satellite. The satellite also carries payloads L1, L5 and S bands. Payloads are instruments used to carry out specific tasks. The payloads on this satellite help in navigation.

This launch marks the fifteenth flight and sixth operational mission of the GSLV.

The Launch Video