Fossil (representative image)

Indian boy finds a 488-million-year-old fossil (News by Aditi Mukund)

Warsall (England), Apr 3: On 28th March, a six-year-old boy dug up a fossil which is millions of years old. Siddak Singh Jhamat was looking for worms in his garden when he came across the fossil. He said he was very excited to know what it was. His father, Vish Singh, is part of a fossil group on a social media site. Through that, they were able to identify that it was a horn coral. The next day, they dug up a semi-solid block of sand, that contained molluscs, seashells, as well as crinoids, which are marine animals that look like a squid’s tentacle. Singh believes the fossil’s markings mean it is most likely a Rugosa coral and that the period that they existed in was between 500 and 251 million years ago, the Paleozoic Era.

Fossil (representative image)
Fossil (representative image)