The United Nations Security Council is a UN principal organ (branch) that keeps peace in the world. It is made of five permanent members (the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, and France) and ten elected members with two-year terms. India was elected one of the temporary members in June, along with Estonia, Mexico, Ireland, Kenya, Niger, Norway, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia, and Vietnam.
India has been making a formal effort to join the permanent
membership of the Security Council. All the permanent
members have the right to veto a proposal of the UNSC.
A veto means that a decision, even if it is taken by all the other members of the Security Council, will not be carried out if one member vetoes. It is the right to stop action on a decision even if everyone else wants to do it.
This is the 8th time that India will join the UN Security Council as a temporary member. Some interesting trivia for you:
- Japan has been elected a non-permanent member the most no. of times – 11 times in all.
- Brazil comes a close second, with 10 appointments.
- At 8 appointments, India is the third most elected country to the non-permanent membership of the UNSC.
- The presidency of the UNSC changes every month. It is given to a new country in alphabetical order. The president of the UNSC in January 2021 is Tunisia.